The best group hotel rates just a click away.

Sourcing hotel options for 20+ years at no cost to our clients.

How it works.

  • Step One

    Let us know some basic information like where you want to go and how many people will attend.

  • Step Two

    We then research all applicable hotels, getting you complete proposals in less than 48 hours.

  • Step Three

    Once you select a few favorites, we contact the hotels and assist in contract negotiations, ensuring you the best rates and concessions possible.

When you partner with us you will never sign a contract or receive a bill.

Our services are complimentary for all clients.

Do you have an event you want to get started on?


A few of our trusted clients.

How we help our clients.

  • Contract Terms

    We check contracts for: Resale Clause, Force Majeure Clause, Pandemic Protection, F&B Minimums, F&B Attrition, No Walk Clauses, Cumulative Attrition and any outstanding discrepancies.

  • Concessions

    We always negotiate for: Complimentary Meeting Spaces, Higher Attrition, Site Visits, Complimentary Sleeping Rooms, F&B Discounts, AV Discounts and anything else that saves you money.

  • Comprehensive Searches

    Our searches are dynamic and never ending. We will find you hotels all over the world in as many locations as necessary. Once you agree to and sign a contract with the hotel, we continue to assist you until the program has successfully concluded.